Saturday 6 April 2013

Now how does a room makeover sound to you?

To me it sounded pretty damn good. Which is probably why I did one..

So I understand that it wasn't such as massive change as when I painted my room green and got new carpet... but this was a style makeover.
Before, my room was kind of cluttered looking as I had freaking loads of posters on my walls. Every single wall.

And so I decided that my room needed to be spiced up a little.
So obviously I went on the Internet, (the source of all solutions), and found a neat idea for something to do to my wall.
I was looking on Jessica's blog, the lovely side , and found a really cool idea for wallpaper she used in her 'bed nook'. She used book pages on the wall instead of wallpaper. And it gives a really nice, homely, lovely (he he) feel to my room.

As well as that, I found some 'chalkboard paint' at my local DIY store. This stuff is seriously magical!
So I uh, may have painted a bit of my wall with it...
Anyway.. you can see that I've spiced up my room a bit. Hope you liked it!
More to come in the summer months hopefully... heheh

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