Tuesday 9 April 2013

Movie Review | House at the End of the Street [Spoiler Alert]

I've been wanting to watch this film since it came out. Scratch that, BEFORE it came out - I stalked the facebook page for months, looking at all the little extras, behind the scenes shots, etc.
So why, i've been asking myself, have I taken so long to actually watch it?

Anyway, I've put it down to my stupidly bad memory, and busy schedule (tv, tv, blog, tv).

Lets get on with it shall we? THE REVIEWWW!!!
Are you excited? Because I am!

I absolutely loved this film! I've seen so many sites saying that it was predictable, unscary, and trying to be 'phsyco and twilight at the same time'. Now I don't really have any argument against these, yeah it wasn't really too scary, and it was a bit predictable. -I don't really see how this was trying to be twilight though?
But I just loved the twist, I didn't see it coming at all and it totally blew my mind. For nearly the entire film I had been slowly falling in love with Ryan, and then he turned out to be the murderer! NO FRICKEN WAY!!!!
I couldn't believe my luck, the guy of my dreams turned out to be a crazy psychopath! Figures..

And I just loved Jennifer Lawrence in this film (not that I don't love her in every one of her films), but she really seemed to shine in this film. I don't know if it's a mixture of her being the main role, or that she is just really good at horror/thriller movies, but she was great.
I also loved her character, Elissa. She kept fighting through, every single time he tried to lock her up or chloroform her, she just kept going. GO FIGURE.

My only complaint is probably just that it was a little predictable. -not the twist. I didn't see that at all - But everything else, him letting the girl out, everything, I saw it coming a mile away.
Also it kinda creeped me out how much the character Tyler looked like Jake from Hannah Montana... but I guess it's not his fault. I'll forgive him, maybe.

But yeah, I loved this film, despite it's predictability, and I'm definitely buying it on DVD soon. I don't think I'll be able to stand not rewatching it. -I WILL find the face in the tree if it kills me. And I don't think I'll be able to go too long without looking at Max. I mean dayum. Dayummmmm....

Definite recommendation here guys.

Happy Blogging.

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