Thursday 18 April 2013

We've moved!

hey guys, so this is just a little post saying that ive changed the address of my blog, since I made a new account, (this one wouldnt let me change the size of photos for some reason)
anyway, here you go
its got all the old posts on it too, so you'll have all of those!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Easy Exercising

so I'm pretty sure that nobody likes exercising...right?
I can never really find time for it, and generally dislike doing it. But I found a solution! ladies and gentlemen, round up round up!

So my bike has been out in the garage for ages now, and I found out how to make it into its own exercise bike! so much easier, and I can put it in front of the telly, read my emails on it, I'm blogging on it right now! haha

happy exercising

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Movie Review | House at the End of the Street [Spoiler Alert]

I've been wanting to watch this film since it came out. Scratch that, BEFORE it came out - I stalked the facebook page for months, looking at all the little extras, behind the scenes shots, etc.
So why, i've been asking myself, have I taken so long to actually watch it?

Anyway, I've put it down to my stupidly bad memory, and busy schedule (tv, tv, blog, tv).

Lets get on with it shall we? THE REVIEWWW!!!
Are you excited? Because I am!

I absolutely loved this film! I've seen so many sites saying that it was predictable, unscary, and trying to be 'phsyco and twilight at the same time'. Now I don't really have any argument against these, yeah it wasn't really too scary, and it was a bit predictable. -I don't really see how this was trying to be twilight though?
But I just loved the twist, I didn't see it coming at all and it totally blew my mind. For nearly the entire film I had been slowly falling in love with Ryan, and then he turned out to be the murderer! NO FRICKEN WAY!!!!
I couldn't believe my luck, the guy of my dreams turned out to be a crazy psychopath! Figures..

And I just loved Jennifer Lawrence in this film (not that I don't love her in every one of her films), but she really seemed to shine in this film. I don't know if it's a mixture of her being the main role, or that she is just really good at horror/thriller movies, but she was great.
I also loved her character, Elissa. She kept fighting through, every single time he tried to lock her up or chloroform her, she just kept going. GO FIGURE.

My only complaint is probably just that it was a little predictable. -not the twist. I didn't see that at all - But everything else, him letting the girl out, everything, I saw it coming a mile away.
Also it kinda creeped me out how much the character Tyler looked like Jake from Hannah Montana... but I guess it's not his fault. I'll forgive him, maybe.

But yeah, I loved this film, despite it's predictability, and I'm definitely buying it on DVD soon. I don't think I'll be able to stand not rewatching it. -I WILL find the face in the tree if it kills me. And I don't think I'll be able to go too long without looking at Max. I mean dayum. Dayummmmm....

Definite recommendation here guys.

Happy Blogging.

Monday 8 April 2013

My Top 10 | televisions series'

This is one for all you couch potatoes like me out there! These are my personal top 10 television series recommendations, some have, sadly, stopped now, but that doesn't stop them being great shows!
Now since all of these shows are positively brilliant, I'm going to say that there's no meaning in the order of which I say these, and the numbers on the picture^ are just to clarify which one is what. :)


House is a fantastically witty show about a man, Gregory House, who is a doctor, not without a few of his own problems. Each episode shows him and his team diagnosing and usually curing, a patient. Using House's usual methods.
 It's really truly brilliant and fun to watch as House goes throughout each episode with his dry humour and bad attitude. Great watch!


2|Doctor Who

Doctor Who is a very long running show, featuring a 'Time Lord', who simply goes by the name of 'The Doctor', Doctor Who you may ask?
Through the episodes The Doctor and his companion/s meet no end of magnificent monsters, some terrifying, some fascinating, while travelling all of space and time in his beautiful blue box time machine 'the tardis'.
I would recommend this to any age, I began watching at a young age, maybe around 6. My parents still watch this too, being, well, let say well into their lives. ;)
Doctor who won't fail to make you laugh, cry and hide behind your sofa, maybe even all at once.


Merlin is a story about an apprentice wizard in hiding at the city of Camelot. He is Prince/king Arthur's personal servant and is charged by a dragon and his destiny to protect him at all costs. Magic is outlawed in Camelot, so Merlin has to hide his magic abilities.
As hard as it is to explain without giving away too many details and spoilers, Merlin is a great watch and very addictive.
aaaand, I'm pretty sure there's a secret relationship going on between Merlin and Arthur... js. (I SHIP IT!)


After a ship wreckage, Oliver Queen, a rich, spoilt, childish man, is deserted on a mysterious island. His father dead, and his final wish was a request for Oliver.
This series tells us the story of how Oliver makes the transformation from rich party kid, to a skilled, mature, superhero like man. And how he will protect his city, his family and his secret.
Also he's some hell of a piece of eye candy. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

5|Pretty Little Liars

Imagine this: A girl is murdered at night. No one knows who the killer is. She was one of your best friends. Then you begin receiving texts from someone with her name, threatening texts, trying to lead you away from solving the mystery. This person seems to know everything, see everything, be everywhere. She knows your single most biggest secret. And she's threatening to tell everyone if you don't do what she says. Your friends start receiving the texts too. She's always watching you.
This is the story of 4 young girls who are haunted by their friend's death. Literally.

6|Teen Wolf

The shows main character is Scott McCall, a highschooler and social pariah who is bitten by a werewolf. Scott attempts to keep a normal life, keeping the fact of his being a werewolf secret from everyone, with the exception of his best friend "Stiles" who helps him through the changes in his life.
So fun to watch, funny and engrossing! Loveeeeeeee!


Misfits is honestly one of the funniest shows I've seen in a very long time! My all time favourite will always be series one, but all the series' are fantastic. I would never have known so much fun went on in a probation centre! A real twisted superhero story of sorts. Magical!
Witty humour, and mature themes just make for my kind of show :)
Oh and I'm eternally in love with Nathan and cried when he left...

8|Game Of Thrones

When this show first came out, I remember not really watching it, I kind of ignored it for a long time. But when my parents bought the first 2 series' on DVD, I figured that I should test it out. So I watched the first series. Then the second series. In one day.
I am absolutely obsessed with this series! It's so engrossing and I can watch the series 1 and 2 boxsets on repeat for days and days!
Another crying sesh appeared at Kahl Drogo... aah.
Just call me Khaleesi.


Glee puts me in a good mood everytime I watch it. I can't help but sing along with all the songs and cry at the dramatic moments. Can I enroll at Mckinley yet?
So I spend the majority of the time watching glee wishing that Blaine wasn't gay, -Does anyone else remember the Blaine and Rachel song? It plays in my dreams...-

10|Walking Dead

So you'd think that after I just mentioned Glee, that the Walking Dead wouldnt really be on my top ten list? WRONG. I am a very mixed viewed kinda girl, and I like to take my doses of happy comedy with strong doses of violence and gore. LOVE LOVE LOVE this show. Another high recommendation. Do I really have to say what it's about? Zombies. Drama. Gore. Perfection.
So we've come to the end of my top 10 list, and I just have one last thing for you. What are you're favourite shows? Are there any you recommend for me? I look forward to hearing from y'all.
Happy couch potatoing!



Sunday 7 April 2013

Pretty Little Liars | Aria's Room decor

As a big fan of Pretty Little Liars, I couldn't help but develop a massive lust over Aria's bedroom throughout the series'. If you are also a fan you'll probably share the same desire - ITS GORGEOUS!

So it seemed only fair that I dedicated a blog post to analysing the decor in Aria's beautiful bedroom.

Aria's room is very 'boho chic' and has a very feminine yet casual look about it.

Here you can see that she has lots and lots of books scattered around her room, this adds interest and detail, as well as piling on more of the 'casual' style.
The main focal point of her room is her large bed, it's lovely and comfortable looking, piled with soft fluffy pillows and billowing sheets. The wrought iron headboard and foot board gives it an antique feel, which matches well with the fancy wallpaper.
The pillows have bright hues with fascinating patterns which draw the eye.
This is a main characteristic with boho rooms.
< Her desk is very colourful and cluttered, with little butterfly accents in the background, on the wall, lamp and in the picture frame.
This adds a feminine touch and breaks down the clutter.
The flowers on the desk add a pop of colour and feminism.

In this picture > you can see a wide shot of this side of her room, showing us the large, wooden desk which was featured in the last picture.
The style of the desk adds a regal touch to the room, like the bed frame, and contrasts nicely against the casual demeanour of the room.
< This shot shows us the other side of her room, you can see here her dresser which I absolutely LOVE, it's big, it's bad, and it's fabulous!
Topped with some ladylike touches of decor like the perfume bottles, lamp and mirror.
You can see right in the far corner behind the door, she's got a small set of hooks with bags and hats on them. Another adorable feminine touch!
In this one > you can see a close up of thecushions on the bed and the lovely ruffled curtains - more mismatched decor which adds boho style to the room. -It just screams arty book chic.
< This last one show us a big wide shot and gives us more detail of the massive window and the beautiful window seat beneath it. -More cushions!

This rooms just screams comfortable and stylish.

If you are planning on attempting a room makeover with this room in mind, I'd recommend lots of cushions and blankets around the room and on the bed, with mismatched and sometimes even clashing colours. Stick to neutral colours with splashes of bright hues here and there, but don't overdo it. Plain walls are a good way to make the room look sophisticated while the cute bright little decorations add a hint of fun chic style.
Give your room a personal touch by putting up lots of drawings, photographs or letters, on the wall above your workspace.

The rest of the pretty little liars gang's rooms are to follow this one shortly!

Happy Redecorating!

The Odd Life Of Timothy Green - Review

 So today I went to the cinema with some friends to watch this film, 'the odd life of Timothy Green'.
At first look when I saw the trailers I thought this film would be interesting right, and it's Disney so it would be cute and heart wrenching but a little out of my age range.
This film actually turned out to be all I was expecting, but more.

The general plot of the film is that a young couple, Cindy (Jennifer Garner) and Jim Green (Joel Edgerton), have been trying to have a child, and they find out that they can't. -This made me cry within the first minutes of the film- So after being told that they are wasting money on treatments that aren't going to work, they decide to lay the idea to rest. They write all the qualities they would hope for in a child on scraps of paper to be buried in the garden.
Little do they know that their dreams will come to life and a child will be given (or grown) to them.
Throughout the film, the child, Timothy Green (CJ Adams) fulfils the wishes on the pieces of paper, and deals with life's heart wrenching moments such as young love, death and tragedy.

Even though this film was aimed at a younger audience, I feel it fulfils the needs of all age groups, and deals with real life problems as well as the tasks that young children face.
This film is a great picture to see with your family, and friends too.

It's a lovely mix of tragedy and comedy, as all good films should be. I'm very glad I saw it :)

I would highly recommend this film to anyone who is wanting or thinking about seeing it. It's worth it, believe me.

<I cried the entire way through>


So my question for you guys is, if you've seen it of course, what did you think of the film?



Saturday 6 April 2013

A bird for a birdcage

So I got a new birdcage the other day, and it's really lovely and decorative but I just feel it had something missing...

So meet Peter! He's my sweet little bird I made to go in my birdcage!
He may have the expression and personality of a rock, but atleast he knows how to party! ;)


Now how does a room makeover sound to you?

To me it sounded pretty damn good. Which is probably why I did one..

So I understand that it wasn't such as massive change as when I painted my room green and got new carpet... but this was a style makeover.
Before, my room was kind of cluttered looking as I had freaking loads of posters on my walls. Every single wall.

And so I decided that my room needed to be spiced up a little.
So obviously I went on the Internet, (the source of all solutions), and found a neat idea for something to do to my wall.
I was looking on Jessica's blog, the lovely side , and found a really cool idea for wallpaper she used in her 'bed nook'. She used book pages on the wall instead of wallpaper. And it gives a really nice, homely, lovely (he he) feel to my room.

As well as that, I found some 'chalkboard paint' at my local DIY store. This stuff is seriously magical!
So I uh, may have painted a bit of my wall with it...
Anyway.. you can see that I've spiced up my room a bit. Hope you liked it!
More to come in the summer months hopefully... heheh

Rankin - Destroy Project

So at school we've started a new project, called the 'destroy' project.
And let me tell you, I am in LOVE with this project! It's so great and easy to do.
It's in the name really, 'destroy project' - I was bound to love it :)

It is all based around the project that Rankin did for charity which was the destroy project.
He basically sent back a load of photographs that he'd took of people (he's a photographer) and let them 'destroy' them. He then displayed them in an art exhibit for charity.

In school, so far, we've started our sketchbook pages for this project.


This is the first page that I did for the destroy project.

Background - Red ink with black accents around the text.
Pictures - All photos from Rankin's destroy project.
Quotes- All from the celebrities who took part in the destroy project, from the Rankin Destroy website.

 This is the second page that I made for the Destroy project, it basically is my 'test' page for my final piece/s of the project. It features more of my own drawings and paintings, etc, than the last page. It has sort of 3 main pieces on it.

The first of these is this one. So basically it's a picture of basement jaxx, but it's really deconstructed into almost just the outline and some detail. Aswell as this, I've added a sort of running paint effect.
The second is this one, can you believe I actually went outside and collected grass to stick in my sketchbook?

This picture is to mimic the actual destroyed picture, which has 'grass' on


 The next 'big piece' sort of thing on this page is this.It is really quite simple but effective. I just traced (okay, carbon papered..whatever) the picture of Howie B, and painted a big ol cross over his face.